
Though major cities and natural wonders are never far, Walla Walla itself has plenty to do. This award-winning town has been listed among the 10 best small towns in America and 14 best cities for a first date. It's also been named the 最好的美食小镇, and friendliest small town in America. With year-round events, we can get you started on your own tour of the Walla Walla Valley.

What to do while you're here
(it's going to be hard to pack it all in)

  1. Participate in the annual 洋葱人铁人三项 周围 本宁顿湖
  2. 参加一个 Walla Walla Sweets 棒球比赛
  3. Enjoy homemade fudge, candies, and caramel apples at 明亮的糖果
  4. Pick your own apples and cherries at 当地果园
  5. Explore on of our 20 city parks, including 创业园, designed by the planner of NYC's Central Park
  6. See a double feature at the 当地的汽车
  7. Watch the sunset at the historic 惠特曼的使命
  8. Try our award-winning downtown cuisine
  9. 参加一个 Walla Walla交响乐 concert - the longest running symphony west of the Mississippi
  10. 参加年会 气球踩踏事件
  11. Catch a play, musical, or show at the 格萨发电站剧院
  12. 参观历史悠久的 沃拉沃拉堡博物馆, a stop on the Oregon Trail
  13. 到达斜坡 蓝木滑雪场
  14. 徒步旅行 帕卢斯瀑布

沃拉沃拉大学 Church

的 沃拉沃拉大学 Church holds a variety of different worship services each Saturday as listed below. 的 church is located at 212 SW 4th St., College Place, WA  99324.  If you have additional questions, you can reach the Church Office at (509) 527-2800.

先得, 9:30 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.*
This service uses a contemporary approach to draw us into the worship of God. A team of musicians lead us in singing praise to God and gospel centered preaching brings hope and instruction for daily living.

社区建设者various times and locations
你可以找到澳门真人官网赌场的 主日学校课程 周围 campus at various times and locations.  Many of these services begin at 10:30 a.m., falling between the two main church services.

第二个服务, 上午11:45 -下午12:45.m.*
Our Second Service service leads us to praise God through more classical forms of music. Gospel centered preaching is surrounded by a rich array of music including choir, 管弦乐队, 风交响曲, and smaller ensembles and soloists.

*Summer Light begins the sabbath after graduation services and ends the sabbath prior to Jumpstart Week. During Summer light we condense our services to a 10 am Community Builder and 11:15 am Church Service.

SDA Churches in the Walla Walla Valley

沃拉沃拉,WA 99362 
(509) 529-9933


343 S. 第三大街
沃拉沃拉,WA 99362 
(509) 301-9070


Milton Freewater, OR  97862
(541) 938-3066

沃拉沃拉,WA 99362
(509) 522-4903

Milton-Freewater, OR  97862
(541) 558-3817

College Place, WA  99324
(509) 525-0882

Walla Walla SDA City Church
沃拉沃拉,WA 99362
(509) 525-9540

Transportation to and from locations is not provided through our visit program. If you do not have a car during your visit, you may choose to use the 山谷中转 公交系统. 的re are many bus stops stationed conveniently 周围 the WWU campus.


Lodging that we work with on a regular basis:

  • 校友客房、 make a reservation online
  • 大学客房, make a reservation by calling: (509) 527-2109
  • 的 Hamption Inn and Suites by Hilton, make a reservation by calling: (509) 525-1398

View the list curated by 访问 Walla Walla


Did we mention that Walla Walla has been named the 最好的美食小镇? You will LOVE eating here.